Salmon is an awesome fish. Every nutrition is there. Saturated fat, cholesterol (YES, your body needs some of it!), protein, vitamin B-12, and vitamin B-6. However, we really depend on our fishmonger to fillet our salmon. Do you know that filleting it by yourself is surprisingly easy? You just need the fish (obviously, duh), super sharp knife, and a cutting board. Slow jazz is recommended, hehe.

How to Fillet Your Salmon
Follow our video here to do it yourself.
1. Choose the tail portion. It contains less fishbone and easier to fillet.
2. Make sure your knife is REALLY SHARP. It will help you tremendously!
3. Some people tell you to throw away the skin. DON’T! Salmon skin is healthy and delicious to eat.
We usually use this lovely fish for our baby’s food. Check the video here.
Now you know how to fillet your delicious fish. Have you learned something new? Let’s discuss your own method here!
Wah, kakak Yunita keluar video baru lagi. Keren kakak
Yummy !
bikin menu MPASI makin bergizi dan nikmat !
yummy yummy new video from the oven
Saya suka banget ikan salmon. Kalo traveling di Eropa dan teman-teman host sajikan ini, senang banget. Mereka beli yang sudah bentuk fillet.
Duh kenapa aku belum pernah berhasil memfillet ikan salmon ya? Kalo ngeliat kok kayaknya gampang, tapi pas nyoba langsung hehehe
i have no cooking skill, moms have to try it. Ya…
baru tahu kalau makanan bayi yang mengandung uap air banyak , bikin bayi kembung. nice tips
terima kasih informasi atas makanan nya
jadi pengen coba juga di rumah
Pernah nyoba fillet, tp failed gara2 pisonya krg tajam hehehe. Thanks tipsnya ce, pengen juga nyoba fillet lagi next time..
I love salmon so much… my kids as well. Much expensive than other fish but very tasty. Thanks for the tips ante Yunita, you are great mom and creative. I could’t agree more to the third one, don’t throw away the skin. Yes… the Salmon skin is healthy and delicious to eat.
wuih sedapnye nih ikan salmon, jadi lafer pagi2 gini ce, mau dong ce bertamu entar dimasakin salmon hehehe
Sepertinya mudah, jadi pengen coba fillet sendiri ikan salmonnya. Walau mahal tapi rasanya enak dan gizinya tinggi nih ikan.
hmmmmm.. kalau gak ada salmon gimana ce? bisa diterapkan buat jenis ikan yang lain gak?