Vidoran Xmart – Adel loves it, Mommy! | Adel’s Diary

August 03, 2018

Adel is getting bigger every day. We as a parent always be proud of her. One day she told us that she wanted to help her mommy to take care of her little sister!

We were a little bit surprised, but proud! She even set up her favorite dolls so her sister wants to stay with her. As you can see in the picture, she also put her favorite new milk, Vidoran Xmart along with her dolls.

Vidoran Xmart also makes Adel able to tidy up her toys
Vidoran Xmart makes Adel smart and able to help her mommy

She has a lot of dolls, but she only loves a few of them. Putting the milk together with her selected doll can only mean one thing, she LIKES IT! And she sure does. She always said, “Mommy, Adel wants chocolate milk,” now. She rejects her old milk and only wants to drink this new milk.


Mommy, Adel wants Chocolate Milk.

Why Vidoran Xmart?

To be honest, we made a lot of research for Adel’s milk. She loves chocolate milk, so it should be under consideration. Turned out Vidoran Xmart contains cod liver oil. That oil is essential for our kids. It contains Omega 3 (DHA + EPA), vitamin A, and vitamin D. Vitamin A is a splendid tool to keep your eyes clear and healthy. Vitamin D, on the other hand, is a superb substance to make your bone healthy and strong! It also helps our kid to become smarter!

Vidoran also contains FOS – Inulin to help our kid’s digestion system. Other than that, it also contains linoleic acid. It helped our kid to grow optimally! With all of those essential substances inside, it is a no-brainer for us to take the decision. Ordered one, and Adel loves it. Everyone wins!

Do you give your kid Vidoran Xmart? Do you have any beautiful story to share with us about it? Let’s discuss below!


By Yunita

Aku adalah seorang istri dan ibu dua anak yang suka banget sharing tentang tips parenting, resep masakan yang mudah dan enak, review perlengkapan dapur, dan juga tips travelling bersama keluarga.

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  1. Rizka Pratiwi

    Ini produk baru ya mbak? Belom pernah denger iklannya deh.. atau gegara aku jarang ntn tivi :p

  2. Dian Radiata

    Adel makin pinter ya.. Makin gemesin deh.

  3. Citra

    Wah… Banyak ya sekarang brand susu anak… sehingga anak cepat sekali tumbuh besar dan comel

  4. Chaycya Oktiberto Simanjuntak

    Hi cuties!!! Si Adel udah nggak cool kaya kulkas lagi klo ketemu. Udah langsung bisa berinteraksi dengan happy face. “Adel namboru pinjem dedek Bella ya?” Nooooo… hahahaa

    Aktifnya Adel apa karena pengaruh Vidoran Xmart milk ini ci? Gua baru tau ada yg versi milk-nya. produk baru ya? Jadi ingat masa kecil tiap minum sirup vidoran ini aku harus kena libas mamak dulu. baunyaaaa ga enak permirsaaaaah!!! karena mengandung ikan cod itu kali ya. And now im thankful for that.

  5. dananwahyu

    tahunya vidorant emulsion, kayaknya aku jaman sd sudah ada vidoran emulsion rasanya manis agak2 kentel gitu

  6. ruziana ina

    adel..udah gede ya
    kemarin ketemu jalannya masih kaya orang mabok hehehe
    eh sekarang udah skul
    semoga sehat selalu dan makin pintar serta jadi kakak yang sabar dengan adiknya yang sepertinya juga aktif banget

  7. arreza mp

    wah vidoran sudah ada susu nya nih
    baru tahu nih

    wajib di eksekusi untuk 2 yang ada dirumah nih

    terima kasih informasi nya om kak tante

  8. Kontengaptek

    Vidoran x mart minuman susu yang sangat bagus dikonsumsi sih buah hati..


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