Adel’s First Day of School Story | Adel’s Diary

July 16, 2018
Adel and Mommy

Today is one of the most important days for me as a parent and Adel as a student. Yes, today is her very first-day attending school! We have talked about this day for months. Every day we will ask Adel, “Do you want to go to school?” and her answer is… MIXED! One day she told us she wanted to go to school, and the other day she will blatantly refuse to go to school.

Well, today is a good day for us, because she was SUPER EXCITED to go to her school! We were afraid she won’t be able to wake up early since we were usually going to sleep at 23:00 or later! Not ideal, we know… But we usually do fun things at night, when all of the other things have been done!

A day before the D-Day

Silly things happened one day before. That Sunday I was so tired and decided to take a nap, which is not a nap at all. I woke up at 20:00. Suddenly, my hubby reminds me that we have to buy stuff for Adel. We were remembered that she will go to school tomorrow, but we completely forgot to buy her stuff like socks, shoes, lunchbox, water bottle. Or you can say… EVERYTHING! All of us frantically prepare ourselves to go to the nearest mall from our home and buying those kinds of stuff for her. It also happened that we haven’t taken our dinner yet.

Well, we decided to take our dinner first, and buy stuff later. Bad decision. In the end, we ended up only bought the socks for her… Luckily we have one pair of shoes in the house from her aunty, and surprisingly she loved that shoes. We also decided to use Tupperware as an emergency lunchbox and use her old water bottle for today. Mommy and daddy are really sorry Adel, we will buy a new lunchbox and water bottle for you very soon!

After prepared everything for her, we took her to her school, and we sang songs throughout the journey. Adel seemed ecstatic and in high spirit. She always makes us proud, and today is no different.

She always makes us proud. And today is no different.

Adel’s School Time is Starting!

At school, she also was a really good girl. She was not crying, she was not screaming looking for her parents, she was not making any fuss, and she is not doing anything that could embarrass herself. Many parents showed envy feeling toward us, and that makes us even more proud of her. Many parents said that our kid is very well behaved, very well mannered, and really easy to talk to! We are by no means better parents than them,  but we really pat ourselves on the shoulder for being good parents, at least for our own kid.

Since today is her first day, we spent like 70% of her school day with us. We wanted to make sure she knows what is she going to do in class, where is her lunchbox, where is her water bottle, how to talk to the teacher, how to follow the teachers’ order (the school use two teachers for twenty kids, and we believe they still overwhelmed by the kids, hahaha), and to make sure she is well behaved.

At the end of the day, she was happy. She said she wants to go to school tomorrow and loved her time at school today. If I could shed my happy tears, now is the time.

Adeline Stella Awita, you really make us proud. We love you! Kisses from your mommy and daddy.

By Yunita

Aku adalah seorang istri dan ibu dua anak yang suka banget sharing tentang tips parenting, resep masakan yang mudah dan enak, review perlengkapan dapur, dan juga tips travelling bersama keluarga.

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  1. Lina W. Sasmita

    Good luck Adel. She well behaved caused by the upbringing of her parents of course.

    • Yunita Yap

      We are flattered teh.. Please.. please continue.. 😛


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